Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mind's play!

All the following thoughts are completely my own. It doesn’t have any scientific basis. It’s just a result of what I feel about the things going on around our mind and metaphorically, I relate it to a play.

Knowing one’s own self is as much a difficult task as cracking MBA’s CAT entrance exam! Probably more difficult than it…but it is really difficult task. Many people say that they know their self. They are close to their soul and are living a life full of happiness and content. I would like to appreciate such people’s thought process which makes them say so or feel so. May be they are really happy. But many-a-times, truth aren’t the one which we see. Nobody on this planet is happy with whole of his/her heart at the moments which pass by. Every one has some or the other kind of worry or grief which engrosses their mind. But the thing is that every one tries to find a possible solution of that problem or a probable fix on that worry making it feel that things are all right in their case. I call it as a play of mind.

Yes, I feel it is the play of this abstract thing of our body which is called as mind. It is the mind which makes us laugh, cry, think and ponder over the situations around us. And this is the same mind which makes us react and respond. Mind is an abstract entity of our body which makes us feel about our selves.

Many-a-times, we find ourselves in a pickle…in a situation which we’ve never expected us to be. We take some decisions in haste, not thinking about the consequences but just being what we think right. When we’re in a mob of people, it’s a mob psychology which works and rules. We never try to be someone different from the group in which we are, only because we want other people from the group to relate us. All this is a play of mind.

People find themselves in love and relationships; they decide for a commitment and at the end find themselves separating their ways. This happens many times, with many people. It is the fault of neither of the couple who goes through this kind of situation. It’s just the play of their mind which makes them do certain things which they could’ve done without. Most of the times, we blame it on God, our destiny or time. But, I feel it’s not the fault of any of these. It’s simply a play of mind.

Mind, though how abstract it is, is a stage and day after day, thoughts come and hover around it, sit on it, act on it and go away from it. A play goes on this stage. We act and respond accordingly. But if someone does some mistake, it’s not entirely his fault. Thoughts come and act around on his mind and they propel him/her to do certain things which could not have been done. And thoughts are the consequence of the situations and moments which we experience continuously.

But there are some people who have a control on this play. They try to be the orator of their mind’s play, try to anchor the thoughts and let them act the way their brain or heart tells them to do so. Such people think rationally and are said to have a control on their mind. Hence I say, knowing yourself is a difficult task. It requires observing yourself very closely with a keen and patient eye. Only such people succeed in anchoring their mind’s play. So, now you decide, whether you want to be the anchor of your mind’s play or a mere spectator?